In the course of life, plans and perspectives can change enormously, sometimes even to an extent that one would never have expected. Life can unexpectedly take you in a completely new direction, even if you never intended to go down that path. I never dreamed that sailing would become an integral part of my life until I met Hendrik, who had already spent half of his life on a boat. Together we sailed through Holland, doing small legs and exploring the Grevelingen Sea. During this time, I started doing my boating licences, but the real change came later.

After a year of adventuring together, we made a decision: We decided to move our lives completely onto the boat. For me personally, this was a huge step, as it meant quitting my job and saying goodbye to my own home. I had some doubts to overcome. I think about everything 100 times, find it hard to let go and, above all, give up control. Inside me I carry some fears that I just have to overcome. So I sold my inventory, my car and many other things that once seemed important, but the more I got rid of, the more liberating it became. Deep down I've always longed for a change, always felt more wanderlust than homesickness.

I dreamed of going out and exploring the world, experiencing other countries and cultures. The desire to emigrate had been in me for a long time, but I never knew exactly where to go. The sailboat turned out to be the ideal place to discover myself and find out just that.

Now I am curious to see where this journey will lead. Life has taught me that you can't always plan it down to the smallest detail. Sometimes you just have to rely on the wind and see where it takes you.



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