We sailed from the Channel Island of Guernsey to France to conclude our tour of England. Although we were prepared for a pleasant trip, we had to deal with some unforeseen challenges along the way.

The journey to Lezardrieux, France, was promising at first, as we saw dolphins jumping around our boat again and were fascinated anew by the animals, but in the middle of the sea we were surprised by some squalls. Nasty squalls swept across the sea and tore our lazy-jack off the mast. It was a shock moment for us, but we stayed calm and focused. Actually, we had planned to reef the mainsail quickly, but the lines were stuck tight in the boom and we had to improvise.

When we finally arrived in Lézardrieux, we were warmly welcomed by the harbour master and taken to our berth. The next day, Hendrik had to climb up the mast to look at and repair the damaged lazy-jack. Fortunately, an attentive neighbour jumped to the rescue when he saw me pulling Hendrik up with all my might. We were overwhelmed by the helpfulness and hospitality we have encountered there several times.

From Lézardrieux, we continued to Ploumanac'h, an enchanting little place with stunning, rocky nature. The harbour there presented us with another challenge, as manoeuvring between the many rocks was difficult. But the nature and tranquillity of the place made up for the challenging mooring manoeuvre, as the harbour had only 3 buoys for mooring, which we had never seen before.

Our next destination was Roscoff, where we had actually only planned a short stopover. But life on the boat always has surprises in store, and we decided to stay a few days longer in Roscoff to repair some things on the boat. The ancient picturesque town and the friendly dock neighbours made our stay special.



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