our energy transition

Since the beginning of September we have been sailing through Spain, from Hondarribia on to Zumaia, Bilbao, Santander, Llastres and finally to Gijon. In Gijon we stayed longer than planned, as we noticed during our sailing that our 207 Ah AGM battery bank was slowly giving up the ghost. In addition, we found that the existing wiring was too thin, especially after adding some new equipment to the system and...

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french bay of biscay

Our sailing adventure took us through the French Bay of Biscay over three exciting legs. Our first stop was the island of Belle Île, where we spent our first night at sea. Despite alternating shifts, I could hardly sleep because the exciting experiences of the night kept me awake. Dolphins accompanied us for hours on our night cruise. The night trip was a real experience. Our journey led us as...

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When everything becomes different

Sometimes life goes against our plans, and that's what happened to us in Roscoff. Actually, we planned to spend only a few days there to wait for a package from Germany with our collected orders. But then everything turned out differently: our on-board toilet failed to work and despite our efforts, no repair was possible. We had to order a new toilet and in the meantime wait for its...

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We finally sailed from our England tour from the Channel Island of Guernsey to France. Although we had prepared for a pleasant journey, we encountered some unforeseen challenges along the way. The way to Lezardrieux, France, turned out to be promising at first, because we saw dolphins jumping around our boat again and were fascinated by the animals again, but in the middle of the sea we were greeted by…

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Isle of Wight

An island that is definitely worth a visit. We spent our first evening at anchor in a bay on the Solent. Just across the bay was Osborne House, a beautiful castle where Queen Victoria spent a long time and where she died. We were surprised how quiet the anchorage was with all the traffic on the estuary. The next morning we drove the rest of the way to Cowes….

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England here we come!

On the morning of June 29th we set sail from Belgium. We chose the route past France. The wind was unfavorable against and the fairway was narrow, so tack. When we passed the last fairway buoy and left the mined sandbanks behind us, we made the trek to Dover. On the way the wind increased significantly, gusts of 6 Beaufort in the meantime and it was raining heavily. Sailing close to the wind

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Standing mast route

On Wednesday, May 24th, 2023, we were finally able to cast off the lines and begin our journey. First we wanted to go to North Holland and then to the Wadden Sea to the Dutch islands. Due to persistent northerly winds, we opted for the "standing mast route". This tour was very nice because you could get to know the Netherlands very well. In the Netherlands there is a very good water infrastructure, because you…

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